martes, 23 de abril de 2013

Prehistoric art

Today i am going to talk about the Prehistoric art, i know that the time fllows and more in the high school but on the last unit we only had to study maps because it was Geography, but now we have just started a new unit and the work we have to do is writting so here we are. It's not going to be easy but slowlly i'm sure that is is going to be better and easier :) 

Prehistoric art.

Archeologist have identified four basic types of Stone Age art, that are:
  • Petroglyphs- Cupules, rock carvings and engravings
  • Pictographs- Pictorial imagery, ideomorphs, ideograms pr symbols 
  • Cave painting and drawings.
  • Prehistoric sculpture- small totemic statuettes known as Venus Figuries, various forms of zoomorphic and therianthropic ivory caving and relief sculptures.
 And megalithic art that consist of the arragements of stones.

Prehistoric cave art isn't realy an art movement


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